KWRC is holding a RallyCross at the New Humberstone Speedway in Port Colbourne on Saturday June 20th. 2020.
This is the first rally event in Ontario since the Covid-19 lockdown. We’re finding our way through the regulations and guidelines and we have three pages detailing how we will run the event in light of the new normal.
The location is
1716 Main St E.
Port Colborne, ON L3K 5V3
GPS 42.898846, ‐79.200793
Online registration will be available via and will open on Saturday May 23 at 7:00AM. We allow a maximum of 30 entries and car sharing will be accommodated where possible, respecting social distancing. After 30 entries we will start a wait list. For this event we are only allowing KWRC members to enter, later in the year if things work out we’ll get back to regular events. This rallycross will not score points in our championship. The there are no web links to this page and the MotorSportReg page is private. We’ll do out best to keep the event quiet so we don’t get random people trying to enter or spectate. You could bookmark the page so you can find it again easily.
Sup Regs are here. rc2-humberstone-sr-2020-r1. Please read them over as there are a number of changes to make the event as Covid-19 safe as possible. One change is we don’t want to handle paperwork at registration so please print and sign the following documents at home. Bring them along, show them to the registrar and attest that it is your signature, then place them in the paperwork bin required.
General Waiver (new for 2020)
Registration and scrutineering open at 9:00AM and c Alose at 9:30AM followed by a socially distanced competitors meeting. As soon as you are registered you can go out on the track and complete a recce lap (slow speed, 25 km/h max) .
If you have two unrelated people sharing a car we’ll have two sessions, in the morning the first driver does the six runs, then clean the car at lunch and have the second driver do recce and six runs. The morning and afternoon runs will be scored separately. We’re not providing lunch or drinks, you need to bring your own.
Passengers are not allowed unless they live with you and they have their own helmet. They have to come with the signed waiver and Covid guidelines. We won’t have loaner helmets available.
Results will be posted at
Spectators are not allowed by provincial regulations.
The general track layout is below. There have been extensive improvements made to the track over the spring with a lot of clay being added. One thing that may make us cancel is if the compaction tests don’t come back as good as needed. We plan on visiting the track in late May and getting some pictures of the improvements.
For more information contact Martin Loveridge,