Visit our facebook page.   Next meeting Thursday March 13.   SIM challenge March 5 SNATR #2 March 22


Supplementary Regulations

For registration  – click here,  For an entry list, click here

Start Order  Posted Feb.12       Results posted live

For Competitors: Registration opens at 9:00AM or a bit earlier. Try to get to there by 9:00 and get registered as soon as possible. We’ll have a drivers meeting at 9:30, a parade lap at about 9:45 and start the runs by 10:00. Hopefully we’ll get six runs in the day on each track. We have to be cleaned up and out of the area by 5:00PM. It’ll be cold so come prepared.

Workers:  Be at the track for 8:30 please. We’ll try to keep you in your cars so you don’t have to be out in the cold. Do bring warm weather gear and refelective vests if you have them. 

Spectators: Are welcome, no charge, everybody needs to sign a track waiver and a CARS waiver to get onto the property. There are lots of good viewing areas you can use from your car, you are not allowed in the competiton area.   


We’re a go for Saturday, more details to be posted Friday morning after tonights club meeting.

We are have filled all our available spots for this event. 

Update Feb. 8th.

The warm weather we’ve been experiencing is due to end by Wednesday and then it will get quite cold. The current forecast is for -22°C on Friday night and a high of -15°C on Saturday, but sunny. The ground should be frozen enough to run and we may even have a bit of snow. Keep your fingers crossed.

Update January 31st.

Sorry for the slow pace on the updates but there are a lot of rally things going on with Frostbite, Perce Neige and the Rallycross it’s hard to find time for it all.

We’ve paid for the track and it’s ours to use. Jeremy had the idea of running two courses so everybody got more seat time so that’s our plan. You’d run course #1, transit over to #2 and run it. Even if we only got five runs in of each track that works out to 10 total runs and about 18km total.

The venues are fenced, flat fields with no significant elevation changes and only one tree. We’ve driven on them and they are pretty smooth. The course will be marked with cones and stakes and if it starts to deteriorate we can move the corners a bit. This only really works if the ground is frozen and there is a bit of snow.

If conditions are not going to be suitable we’ll make that call on Wednesday Feb. 10th and let everybody know. I haven’t charged the credit cards from the site and won’t until we have a confirmation we are going to run. That way you will get 100% of your money back and we won’t have to deal with MSR’s (reasonable) 5% fee.

On the day we’ll pick up coffee and doughnuts from Tim Hortons for the morning and order in Pizza or for lunch, included in your entry fee. If you want something special the track is only 10 minutes from Cayuga so someone can easily make a run into town.

Everybody entering the grounds will have sign a track waiver and a CARS waiver. Spectators are welcome and there is no charge but you have to stay outside the competition area. There are lots of good viewing areas along the drag strip. We have the tower included with the rental which is where registration will be held and the washrooms are.

Supplementary regulations will be posted soon but a couple of things to note; noise regulations mean not using anti-lag or launch control if it makes a lot of noise, and we won’t allow studded tyres. 


CARS National RallyCross Rules.

CARS Waiver



TMP RallyCross S


Jan. 24

The rallycross committe met at Toronto Motorsport Park and decided we can indeeed mount a good winter rallycross there. We’ve booked the place for February 13th and registration is open at

We’ve got several options for layout of a track but our prefered option is a large open grassy area that is used for camping in the summer on the southeast corner of the property. Jeremy tried out a sample route and it looks like we’ll be in the 1.7 – 2.1 km length and if we start to tear up the ground in some areas it’s easy to move the track around. If we got a big dump of snow we could use the road course track but right now it alternates between sheer ice and bare pavement and wouldn’t be kind to the cars. We’ve get the tower and washrooms rented for a warm place between runs and lots of space for trailers and service. Assuming we use the camping area, the entire ~50 acres is fenced and can be viewed from almost anwhere on the site.

Entry is $100 per car. If you don’t want to make an account at you can just email me your details and do an Interac transfer. All entries will have to be pre-paid. We’re working on the amended suplemmentary regulations but they will be very close to what we had at Rockton. We’ll have the regulations, course layout and entry lists posted soon.

If this works out and the weather holds, we’d hold another event on March 12th.